During the 4th Crypto Cycle
Cronos's Fall
Cycle Rank
Cycle Fall
Cycle Time
687 Days
This chart shows the percentage fall of Cronos during the 4th cycle. There is an indicator for the top, and another for the bottom. It also shows how much this fall took in days, along with the date for the top and bottom. The shaded area denotes the fall itself.
Relative Strength Index vs Price
RSI vs Price
RSI at Price Top
RSI at Price Bottom
This chart shows the Relative Strength Index (RSI) of Cronos during the 4th cycle fall. The RSI tells you when a coin is overvalued or undervalued. The RSI is usually placed below and separate from the price chart, but here, we combined them. We were able to combine them because we know the top and bottom, so we can lock the RSI 0 to the bottom and the RSI 100 to the top. The shaded area on the top means the price was overvalued, and the shaded area on the bottom is the undervalued area. We used the classical 30/70 RSI to determine these areas.
Simple Moving Averages vs Price
Cronos's MAs
50MA to Price Bottom
100MA to Price Bottom
200MA to Price Bottom
This chart shows the 50, 100 and 200 Day Simple Moving Average for the bottoming period of Cronos during the 4th cycle. So what does this mean? The 50MA, or 50SMA, simply means the average price for the past 50 days. 100MA means 100 days and 200MA means the average price for the last 200 days. "Simple" means that each day has equal weight, its a simple average. A 50MA reading of -10% means the price was 10% below the 50MA at that point in time. MAs help us identify price trends and trend reversals. MAs also help us identify when an asset has deviated strongly from its average behavior, identifying opportunities. It also tells us the strength of that deviation.